How to Use the LinkedIn Mobile App to Grow Your Marketing
The LinkedIn Mobile App can help you grow your marketing program from the comfort of your phone.
Increasingly people are on the move, and smart phones are on the rise. In 2015, 64% of adults had a smartphone, up from 35% in 2011. Worldwide there are 3.7 billion unique mobile users. Those numbers are growing rapidly.
With the rise of mobile access and technology, people use phones in many of the same ways they use computers. You can scan, email, write, research, talk, bank, and — thanks to the LinkedIn Mobile App — apply for jobs, post articles, communicate, and engage with peers.
LinkedIn believes the app is “a faster way to tap into your professional world. Get news and info that matter for your professional day, a daily brief on what’s happening in your network, and a quick way to reach out and keep in touch.” Sounds good for those of us who rely heavily and increasingly on our phones.
Here are some ways in which you should be using the LinkedIn Mobile App to help your marketing efforts:
1. Update
A cornerstone of inbound marketing, writing updates and engaging daily (or hourly) with connections is important. Within an update you can include text, links, and photos and mention other LinkedIn members. You can also choose to share your update with your entire LinkedIn network and/or first-degree connections and/or your Twitter feed.
2. See who’s looking
Discover who has viewed, liked, or commented on your profile and content. The app lets you reply directly if you’d like.
3. Engage
Keep up with your network by finding, commenting, liking, and sharing. Repeatedly, we hear of the importance of engaging with connections and truly trying to value their posts, especially before sharing your own agenda.
4. Edit your profile
Notice a mistake on your company profile? Make an immediate change, even without your computer. Maybe you’re at a business meeting or out to dinner, and you notice that something hasn’t been updated on your company profile. You can fix it immediately.
5. Send & receive messages
This is a staple, and one that is critical. Again, if you’re at a business meeting, at a conference, or just without your computer and you need quick access to someone who you don’t have in your smartphone address book, you can find them and contact them through the LinkedIn Mobile App.
You can also access Lynda.com to watch tutorials and get training, get daily updates from LinkedIn Pulse, use LinkedIn Lookup to find connections, and use LinkedIn SlideShare to access over 18 million tutorials, infographics, and professionals.
There’s no need to cease connecting or marketing when you’re without your computer. The newly updated LinkedIn Mobile App can help you get the job done efficiently.