LinkedIn isn’t just for job seekers: 6 reasons you need to be on LinkedIn even though you have a job

6 reasons you need to use linkedinLinkedIn is the largest social network for professionals.  There are more than 332 million users – and this number is growing rapidly.  An average of 2 users joins LinkedIn every second.

There is the perception that LinkedIn is only for job seekers, and that a red flag will be raised if those who are employed update their profile.  Neither is accurate.

Here are 6 reasons you need to be on LinkedIn even though you have a job:

Your personal brand matters

People are looking at your LinkedIn profile to learn more about you.  And it isn’t just recruiters or potential employers looking on LinkedIn.  Clients, colleagues, and even your current employer look to your LinkedIn for information on who you are, what you have done, and what you do.

Because your personal brand matters, take the time to optimize your LinkedIn profile.

Network, network, network

Networking is often thought of as a (dreaded) job search action item.  However, thinking about networking in this manner will leave you at a disadvantage.  Networking is an action item necessary for your professional and personal growth.

LinkedIn is an incredible network building tool.  Leverage it and “Network your face off.”

Industry groups

Being involved in relevant LinkedIn groups will help you grow your network. It will also help you stay up-to-date on what is happening within your industry, and give you the opportunity to get involved in the conversation.


Company and individuals are posting content, and having conversations on LinkedIn every day.  These conversations and the content posted are chock full of relevant news.

Be a brand ambassador

Is your company hiring?  Share the posting with your connections.  Also, take the time to look through your connections; is there anyone who might be a good fit for the position?  If so, reach out to them.  Bonus: your company may compensate you for referring a candidate if they are hired.


You may not be looking for a new position, but what if the perfect position fell into your lap?  If you are active on LinkedIn and have optimized your profile, you may find that people begin reaching out to you and present you with opportunities.

Have a job?  Be active on LinkedIn.  Not being active is more likely to raise a red flag.

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