An Open Letter to the Supply Chain
Dear companies in the logistics and supply chain industries,
You have leveraged technology and innovation so that two-day shipping is becoming more of the norm rather than the exception. You have developed processes and standards for IT Asset Disposal (ITAD), which mitigate asset recovery management and increase data security. You have leveraged 3-D printing — disrupting the status quo.
Cathy Morris, senior vice president and chief strategy officer for Arrow Electronics, Inc., puts it well: “Products can be made, money can be invested, ideas can be brought to fruition, but without the supply chain everything stops. The supply chain provides routes to market; everything hinges on an effective supply chain.”
In short, logistics and supply chain — you are pretty damn awesome.
Given your awesomeness, I wonder why marketing firms have taken to courting your business by promoting that they do “content marketing for boring industries.” You are not boring (in the least). Why would you choose to partner with someone that finds you boring?
Content marketing can be an effective tool for your business. When aligned with your business objectives, content marketing can:
- Build brand awareness
- Position your company as a thought leader within the industry
- Increase engagement with customers, partners, and stakeholders
- Educate and inform customers, partners, and stakeholders
- Build trust
- Allow you to manage your reputation
- Generate leads
Given the impact a successful content marketing strategy can have on your business, doesn’t it just make sense to find a marketing firm that recognizes the value of your industry and of your company; a firm that recognizes your awesomeness?
I lead the digital and content marketing arm of Fronetics Strategic Advisors. Our firm focuses on companies within the logistics and supply chain industries. Why do we do this? We do this because we have deep expertise in these industries, and because we believe in these industries. We stay up to date on industry trends. Phrases like: “Can you believe the capabilities of company x’s new forklifts?” and “Wow, the reverse logistics implications of that are going to be significant,” are daily conversations for us.
I am not saying that you need to choose our firm as your marketing firm, but, please, choose a firm that believes in you. When choosing an outsource partner, evaluate not just the firm’s marketing capabilities, but also their knowledge of your industry.
You do incredible work. Find a partner who recognizes this, not one who finds you boring.