Top 10 Talent Posts of 2016

Top 10 Talent Posts of 2016

The 10 most popular talent posts of 2016.

The start of a new year generally brings with it a host of resolutions.  For individuals finding and landing a new job, or advancing in their current job are common resolutions.  For companies, identifying talent, hiring, and retaining great talent are typical goals for the new year.

We’ve assembled our top 10 talent posts of 2016. We hope these posts help you and/or your company overcome challenges, and your achieve goals.

1. The Art of Overcoming the Supply Chain Talent Shortage

A veteran recruiter explains where the supply chain talent shortage is headed and how companies can overcome the challenges. Read more.

2. When Experienced Supply Chain Professionals Can’t Find Work Despite the Talent Deficit

This guest post by Argentus Supply Chain Recruiting, a boutique recruitment firm specializing in Supply Chain Management and Procurement, asks the question: If there is a Supply Chain talent deficit, why are so many people in the field having trouble finding work? Read more.

3. 5 Ways to Advance Your Supply Chain Career

The global supply chain is continuously evolving, offering new opportunities as demands shift and new technologies are born. But how do you evolve with it? We offer 5 things you can do to advance your logistics or supply chain career. Read more.

4. How to Hire Talent through LinkedIn

LinkedIn offers immeasurable opportunity for recruiting premium talent. But how do you begin weeding through the network’s more-than-433-million candidates? Here are some techniques — both free and fee-based — on using LinkedIn to find professionals who match your company’s open positions. Read more.

5. 7 Reasons Why Networking Is Essential

Networking can do more than help you find your next job opportunity; it can make you smarter, happier, and more financially stable. Read more.

6. Top Schools for Supply Chain Management

Building a stronger relationship between academia and the supply chain industry is one way to solve the growing talent gap. If your company is looking to hire, consider strengthening your rapport with schools that offer supply chain programs or specialties. Read more.

7. 9 Career-Strengthening Moves to Make This Fall

If your job has left you to feeling stuck in a rut, try these steps to improve your professional life. Read more.

8. Hiring Supply Chain Talent: What to Look For

Your business is growing, and it is time to hire. That means facing the challenge and overcoming the fact that there is a dearth of supply chain talent. Growth is very common right now, as job titles evolve and shift due to the rapid changes in supply chain management and new technological requirements. So more talent is in demand as many businesses try to remain competitive. Seek out candidates with these skills and experiences when hiring new supply chain talent. Read more.

9. Low-Cost, High-Impact Solutions to Combat the Supply Chain Talent Shortage

This guest post by SCM Talent Group, a national supply chain recruiting and executive search firm, discusses a new webinar series centered around the talent aspects of the supply chain discipline. The purpose of this series is to provide low-cost, high-impact solutions and advice that employers, hiring managers, and HR partners can implement in efforts to improve their abilities in attracting, hiring, and retaining top supply chain talent. Read more.

10. 5 Tips for Working for the Family Business

Family businesses can be a source of pride and fulfillment. But, often, they are rife with unprecedented turmoil. Working for a family business presents unique challenges that require special tactics to keep things professional (and to keep the peace). Read more.

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