Five Go-To Supply Chain Websites

Five Go-To Supply Chain Websites

Looking to keep up with happenings in the supply chain industry? These are our top five supply chain websites to follow.

Following leading websites is a great way to keep up with the latest news and information about happenings in the supply chain and logistics industry. Here are our five favorite supply chain websites:


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SupplyChainBrain is a comprehensive supply chain management information resource, written by experienced industry professionals and trusted content partners. In addition to providing complete coverage of all fundamental supply chain principles, this site identifies emerging trends, strategies, and best practices, forward-thinking ideas, cutting-edge solutions, and the latest innovations — and continues to write and report on these as they evolve and mature.

[bctt tweet=”SupplyChainBrain is a comprehensive supply chain management information resource, written by experienced industry professionals and trusted content partners.” username=”Fronetics”]

The website features 70 topics, over 2,000 videos, regular podcasts, a think tank of blogs, whitepapers, and research. Just in case all of that was not enough for you, it also includes a list of resources.

Supply Chain 24/7

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Supply Chain 24/7 is an informative online bus­i­ness re­source for trans­por­ta­tion, dis­trib­u­tion, log­istics, and supply chain pro­fes­sionals. Select from webcasts, whitepapers, news, and photos. Or search for a company overview by industry or trending industry topic. Subject areas include transportation, manufacturing competitiveness, warehouse and distribution centers, and the latest trends from the supply chain industry and the technologies that serve it.

Supply Chain Digest

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Supply Chain Digest is a leading online newsletter and website for busy supply chain and logistics professionals to get news, share insights, and find solutions. This weekly online newsletter features information, news, and commentary that summarizes and synthesizes important information. They’ve recently added a Supply Chain News Bites feature, which quickly summarizes important news in just a few paragraphs, delivering what you need to keep up to speed on supply chain management and logistics topics.

Supply Chain Management Review

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Supply Chain Management Review covers the spectrum of supply chain management – that is, the flow of goods and information from sourcing through manufacturing and on to the final consumer. Key activities within this end-to-end process include sourcing, purchasing, production planning, inventory management, transportation/logistics, customer service and reverse logistics.

The 21st Century Supply Chain

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The 21st Century Supply Chain offers perspectives on innovative supply chain management strategies. Kinaxis is a leading provider of cloud-based subscription software that enables our customers to improve and accelerate analysis and decision-making across their supply chain operations. This blog features various Kinaxis team members, with occasional guests, and provides insights on today’s supply chain trends, issues, and hot topics.

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