by Fronetics | Mar 6, 2017 | Blog, Leadership, Supply Chain, Talent
Mark Cuban thinks liberal arts grads will be the next in-demand employees. Could they be the answer to the supply chain talent gap?
The supply chain talent gap has been called a “perfect storm.” Every report cites doomsday statistics of the impending crisis when, by 2025, 60 million baby boomers will exit the workforce, leaving only 40 million millennials take their place.
To make matters worse, future supply chain professionals need to master not only the hard analytical skills but also the soft leadership skills fueled by the transition from an industrial economy to an economy grounded in service and information. In numbers, it means only 20% of the workforce will possess the skills required of 60% of all new supply chain jobs.
Today’s supply chain companies face a more immediate challenge, however: filling junior-level positions (1-4 years of experience). According to Rodney Apple, founder and president of SCM Talent Group: “When you land your first job out of college… you’re not actively looking for a new job. So [companies] really have to do a lot of direct sourcing to find the analysts, engineers, inventory managers, and planners and sell them on why they should make a career move at this stage of their career.”
Where can employers find young talent that possesses both critical-thinking skills and future leadership potential?
Liberal arts majors struggle with employment opportunities in today’s economy
Students graduating in the past decade have been hit hard by a challenging economy. Almost ten years out from the Great Recession, 44.5% of recent college graduates still are underemployed, many settling for jobs that don’t require a bachelor’s degree.
This is especially true for liberal arts majors. Research shows that their peers in technical fields like nursing and with qualitative skills like engineering have fared better.
But this may soon change. Billionaire investor and Shark Tank personality Mark Cuban, among others, has recently stated that liberal arts majors will be the next in-demand employees. As more technical jobs like coding become automated, companies will need people with creative and critical-thinking skills to offer a human perspective to the automated output. These skills, of course, are the foundation of a liberal arts education.
Bridging the gap between underemployed liberal arts graduates and supply chain companies
Supply chain companies want to find talented employees that can succeed in junior-level positions now but that also could move into management down the road. “Soft skills” like creativity and problem-solving are crucial to both roles — not to mention, every role in between. “That means sometimes being a leader, sometimes being a good follower, monitoring the progress, meeting deadlines, and working with others across the organization to achieve a common goal,” says Lynne Sarikas, MBA Career Center Director at Northeastern University.
Liberal arts graduates bring these abilities to the workplace. Supply chain companies could be actively recruiting these qualified and eager graduates to fill open junior-level positions now, and then groom them to become future leadership. As more jobs become automated, companies will have additional resources to invest in on-the-job training and professional education for their rising stars.
Educated, qualified employees and the shortage of supply chain talent could be an obvious fit — more obvious than liberal arts and supply chain initially sound together. This untapped market of graduates could be the answer to the supply chain talent gap.
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by Fronetics | Jul 22, 2014 | Blog, Supply Chain, Talent
Hiring the wrong person is a costly mistake not only financially, but also in terms of team morale and productivity. Making the right hire is crucial.
Research conducted by the PewResearch Internet Project found that in 2013 73 percent of online adults used a social networking site of some kind. The percentage is even higher for job seekers – 89 percent. Given the high prevalence of use, it is likely that your talent pool is on at least one social networking site. Hiring managers and HR professionals within the supply chain industry should use this reality to hire great supply chain talent. 
Social media is increasingly being used by hiring managers and HR professionals in their hiring process. More than one third of employers use social media in their hiring practices, here’s why you should follow suit.
A study conducted by found that 65 percent of employers who use social media to screen candidates do so to see how the candidate presents themselves professionally. Fifty-one percent of employers used social media to see if the candidate would be a good match for the company’s culture, and 45 percent reported that they used social media to further research the candidate’s qualifications.
Of those employers who use social media in their hiring process, 34 percent reported that they found content that resulted in them not hiring a candidate. Close to 50 percent of reported that they did not hire a candidate because of inappropriate material in their profile, and 45 reported they did not make the hire because of indications of drinking and/or drug abuse. Other negatives found by the employer were poor communication skills, criticizing former employers, and making prejudicial comments.
A candidate’s social media profile and use can also provide employers with information that can push a candidate to the top of the list. Approximately 29 percent of employers reported that they hired a candidate because their social media profile supported professional qualifications and/or contained a great reference about the candidate. Additionally, employers reported that they hired a candidate because their social media profile showed that the candidate was creative, well-rounded, or had great communication skills.
One thing to keep in mind – all information found online and via social media needs to be treated in the same manner as information found via traditional sources. All hiring practices must abide by state and federal laws relating to fair and equal hiring.
Social media is a great tool that can assist hiring managers and HR professionals hire great talent.
by Fronetics | Jul 22, 2014 | Blog, Supply Chain, Talent
Hiring the wrong person is a costly mistake not only financially, but also in terms of team morale and productivity. Making the right hire is crucial.
Research conducted by the PewResearch Internet Project found that in 2013 73 percent of online adults used a social networking site of some kind. The percentage is even higher for job seekers – 89 percent. Given the high prevalence of use, it is likely that your talent pool is on at least one social networking site. Hiring managers and HR professionals within the supply chain industry should use this reality to hire great supply chain talent. 
Social media is increasingly being used by hiring managers and HR professionals in their hiring process. More than one third of employers use social media in their hiring practices, here’s why you should follow suit.
A study conducted by found that 65 percent of employers who use social media to screen candidates do so to see how the candidate presents themselves professionally. Fifty-one percent of employers used social media to see if the candidate would be a good match for the company’s culture, and 45 percent reported that they used social media to further research the candidate’s qualifications.
Of those employers who use social media in their hiring process, 34 percent reported that they found content that resulted in them not hiring a candidate. Close to 50 percent of reported that they did not hire a candidate because of inappropriate material in their profile, and 45 reported they did not make the hire because of indications of drinking and/or drug abuse. Other negatives found by the employer were poor communication skills, criticizing former employers, and making prejudicial comments.
A candidate’s social media profile and use can also provide employers with information that can push a candidate to the top of the list. Approximately 29 percent of employers reported that they hired a candidate because their social media profile supported professional qualifications and/or contained a great reference about the candidate. Additionally, employers reported that they hired a candidate because their social media profile showed that the candidate was creative, well-rounded, or had great communication skills.
One thing to keep in mind – all information found online and via social media needs to be treated in the same manner as information found via traditional sources. All hiring practices must abide by state and federal laws relating to fair and equal hiring.
Social media is a great tool that can assist hiring managers and HR professionals hire great talent.