by Fronetics | Apr 10, 2019 | Blog, Logistics, Marketing, Social Media, Supply Chain
We want to hear from you!
The supply chain and logistics industries may have taken longer to jump into the social media game, but those companies that are leveraging these platforms are seeing positive effects on their business.
An industry survey conducted by Fronetics found that while 100% of respondents have used social media for five years or less (36% for one year or less), more than two-thirds (68%) have already realized results. That begs the questions: which networks are they on? What’s working? What’s not?
Fronetics is, once again, conducting a survey on social media use within the supply chain and logistics industries to help answer these questions – and to determine if changes have taken place since the previous survey. That’s where you come in: we need your help to get the latest information on how companies like yours are using social networking for business purposes.
If your company is part of the logistics or supply chain industries, you are invited to take the survey. It should take less than 5 minutes of your time. Responses will be reported in aggregate, and no identifiable information (individual or company) will be shared with anyone.
Responses are due May 31, so act now so your voice is heard. Provide your email address, and we’ll share the results so you can see how your company compares to the industry at large.

Please contact [email protected] with questions.
by Fronetics | Jan 2, 2019 | Blog, Content Marketing, Logistics, Marketing, Social Media, Supply Chain
It’s time to cast your vote for the top logistics and supply chain blogs of 2019!
We love hearing about your favorite logistics and supply chain blogs. We’re conducting our 5th annual survey to uncover the top industry blogs of 2019. Help us by voting for your favorite. Responses will be collected through Friday, January 25, 2019.

All responses are confidential and will be reported in aggregate. No identifiable information (individual or company) will be attached or included. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
Interested in our past winners? Here they are!
by Fronetics | Jan 2, 2018 | Blog, Content Marketing, Logistics, Marketing, Social Media, Supply Chain
It’s time to cast your vote for the top logistics and supply chain blogs of 2018!
We love hearing about your favorite logistics and supply chain blogs. We’re conducting our 4th annual survey to uncover the top industry blogs of 2018. Help us by voting for your favorite. Responses will be collected through Friday, January 26, 2018.

All responses are confidential and will be reported in aggregate. No identifiable information (individual or company) will be attached or included. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
Interested in our past winners? Here they are!

by Fronetics | Jan 2, 2017 | Blog, Content Marketing, Logistics, Marketing, Social Media, Supply Chain
It’s time to cast your vote for the top blog in the supply chain and logistics industries!
Fronetics is conducting its 3rd annual survey to uncover the top industry blog of 2017. Help us by voting for your favorite blog. Responses will be collected through January 25, 2017. Vote now so your voice will be heard!

All responses are confidential and will be reported in aggregate. No identifiable information (individual or company) will be attached or included. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
Interested in who won in 2015 and 2016?
by Fronetics | Nov 21, 2016 | Blog, Content Marketing, Logistics, Marketing, Supply Chain
Fronetics invites you to participate in a survey on how companies in the logistics and supply chain industries use content marketing.
If there’s one thing we can say about the ever-changing B2B marketing climate, it’s just that: it’s ever-changing. Keeping pace with shifting industry trends, innovations, and challenges can be daunting. But knowledge is power when it comes to creating a vital and robust marketing strategy.
In 2014, Fronetics decided it was time to gather hard data on how logistics and supply chain companies were using modern marketing tools like content. We conducted an industry-wide survey, gathering a valuable snapshot of the marketing landscape.

Now it’s time for another look at the data. So Fronetics invites you to participate in our 2016 surveys on content use in the logistics and supply chain industries. The survey takes about 3 minutes to complete, and no personal or company data will be reported. Additionally, you can indicate your preference to receive the completed report.
Key findings from the 2014 content use report point to companies using content primarily to build brand awareness and generate leads, with blog posts being the most popular content format. While all respondents reported using content marketing for a relatively short time, the majority had already seen a positive impact on their business.
Fronetics is curious to know, two years later, about the ongoing impact of content marketing. In addition, we’d like to find out if the industry is using content in new ways. Has content use expanded? Are blogs still the most popular format? What challenges are B2B companies facing when it comes to content creation and distribution?
The answers to these and more questions can provide vital insights as you shape your company’s marketing strategy for the future. Especially when it comes to modern marketing techniques, knowledge is power.
Take the content survey by clicking on the button below. Be sure to indicate your preference to receive the results. We look forward to your responses!

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