Supply Chain: HubSpot Software Can Boost Revenue by 72%


HubSpot users also saw 3x more leads and 4.1x web visitors per month after a year using the software.

A study has found that using HubSpot for your inbound marketing can increase sales revenue by 72% in 12 months.

A 2016 MIT Sloan student analysis showed that HubSpot’s inbound marketing software provides users a substantial boost in quality leads, which converted into more sales. In year two of using the software, customers continued to see impressive increases.

The in-depth report was a compilation of customer survey responses and web data gathered over a 24-month period for HubSpot users from 2013 to 2015. It looked at three fundamental aspects of marketing methodology:

  1. Attracting new visitors to the user’s website
  2. Conversion of these visitors into customer leads
  3. Closing those leads into actual sales

Leveraging tools to streamline and magnify marketing and sales efforts is important for all businesses in the supply chain and logistics industries, but it can be especially important if your business is small, or has limited resources. HubSpot proved to be a competitive solution, with cost-effective results that increased leads, customers, and revenue.

Report highlights

Attracting new customers

  • Users averaged 3x more leads per month after a year.
  • Websites averaged 4.1x more visitors per month after a year.

Conversion of website visitors into leads

  • Approximately 83% of the HubSpot customers experienced an increase in their conversion rate of leads into customers.
  • Size of the business did not matter; all saw significant increases in site traffic and lead conversion rates.

Closing those leads into sales

  • 72% of HubSpot customers saw an increase in sales revenue in one year.

Other findings focused on substantial support in meeting goals and the ease of attracting the right customer persona for optimum results.

  • 96 % of customers surveyed said that HubSpot helped them meet their marketing goals.
  • 68% of customer respondents felt that their efforts generated better quality leads while using HubSpot.
  • Increased customer satisfaction was reported by 46% of HubSpot users since they began using the program.

Is HubSpot right for your business?

HubSpot is a marketing platform that takes all of the inbound marketing methods that were once separate services and consolidates them into one integrated software package. It provides marketing analytics, lead intelligence, A/B landing page testing, CRM integration, email service integration, eCommerce integration, and API integration.

From one location, you can blog, tweet, optimize, then capture and nurture leads. It drives the right customers to you using extensive research specific to your industry. It pinpoints your competitors and potential customers, including their typical pain points, interests, and questions.

A separate 12-month study conducted by Overgo involving both B2B and B2C businesses compared companies using HubSpot to those who did not. It found:

  • An average increase of 170% in organic traffic after one year, whereas those using HubSpot saw an average organic traffic increase of 590%.
  • HubSpot received 125% more (B2B) and 294% more (B2C) leads than companies not using HubSpot. (Several of the B2B companies received fewer leads because their targets are multi-million dollar deals, a much smaller avenue of opportunity.)

The difference was attributed to the tools HubSpot offers its customers, which include:

  • Ranking opportunities – a feature that shows which keywords offer your business an opportunity to get ranked on the first page of search results.
  • Conversion opportunities – shows which keywords are attracting a lot of traffic but not converting, then suggests ways to increase conversion.
  • Long-tail opportunities – suggests keywords where ranking could improve substantially if you add a certain word or phrase.
  • Competitors – compares your site’s ranking and search volume to your competitors.
  • Campaigns – helps organize keywords into campaigns for tracking and measurement.

HubSpot’s inbound marketing software has consistently provided a relatively fast and high return on investment for the majority of B2B or B2C companies, no matter their size.

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