Top Talent Articles of 2015

Top Talent Articles of 2015


Recruiting and retaining top talent is one of the largest issues the supply chain faces today. It has, in many ways, become an industry of gaps: skills, talent, and gender, to name a few. How can companies secure their future by acquiring, developing, and keeping employees with the potential to undertake future leadership roles?

Fronetics Strategic Advisors works with clients to understand and execute on talent acquisition, performance management, learning and development, and succession management. We also work with clients to design and develop roles and responsibilities, on leadership development, mentoring and counseling, and on performance management and compensation strategies.

Here are our most-read talent articles of 2015:

1. The supply chain gender gap

While the number of full-time women in the workforce is up 15% since 1979, the number of women in the manufacturing sector is the lowest it has been since 1971.The gender gap extends more broadly to the supply chain, as well, with 70% and 80% of positions held by men. This article examines the talent crisis within the industry as an opportunity to help close the gender gap, and offers suggestions for building that bridge. Read the full article.

2. How to solve the supply chain talent crisis: a recruiter shares his ideas

This interview with Rodney Apple, founder of the SCM Talent Group and supply chain recruiter for the majority of his 19-year career within the staffing industry, examines the challenges facing the industry and opportunities to address the talent crisis moving forward. Read the full article.

3. The Supply Chain Talent Gap, Explained

The outlook seems dire: by 2025, 60 million baby boomers will exit the workforce, leaving a gigantic gap when 40 million millennials take their place. What’s more, as few as 20% of the workforce will possess the broad range of skills required of 60% of all new supply chain jobs. The good news is that this looming crisis represents an ideal opportunity for recent college grads and mid-level supply chain management. Companies hoping to appeal to top candidates in the future should be proactive about meeting their professional needs through initiatives like competitive salaries and cross-functional training — or else, they might miss out. Read the full article.

4. Pay Your Employees to Quit. It Actually Pays Off.

Zappos offers new hires a $4,000 bonus to quit after an initial training program — and it actually has helped them retain top talent. Offering an early out to employees can be an effective method to detect personnel issues up front and ultimately can save your company from a major financial loss in the future. Read the full article.

5. Network Your Face Off: Why Networking is Essential

When it comes to your career, connections matter. This article lists five reasons why building a strong network is crucial to your professional success. Read the full article.

6. Attracting and Retaining Millennials for the Supply Chain Industry

Millennials — or, those born after 1981 — potentially could breathe new life into the graying supply chain industry. This article examines who millennials are and how companies might attract and retain talent within this oft-misunderstood generation. Read the full article.

7. How to retain top talent

Promising employees expect more from their employers when they outperform their peers — and not just in terms of compensation (though that is very important). When those expectations are met with disappointment, the company is at risk for losing top talent. This article discusses strategies for mitigating the loss of talented employees. Read the full article.

8. Talent-retention and succession-planning for the supply chain

According to one study, only 12.5% of companies in the supply chain industry engage in formal succession planning, or the process of identifying top internal performers with the potential to fill key leadership positions. With the dearth of talent facing the supply chain, employers would be wise to invest in succession planning (and their most promising employees) — particularly through these three aspects of the process. Read the full article.

9. Want to fill the supply chain talent gap? Rebrand the supply chain.

Focusing on education and training, employee retention and growth, and rethinking the talent pool itself does not address the bigger issue in the supply chain skills gap: the industry just isn’t perceived as sexy. What can companies do to overhaul their image and attract new and qualified talent? Read the full article.

10. Save Your Farewells and Increase Employee Retention

Replacing employees is extremely costly — anywhere from 50 to 400% of their annual salaries, it is estimated — yet more than 2 million people voluntarily leave their jobs each month. Companies who are not tending to their human resource assets may be taking a major financial hit. Here are five employee retention strategies to help create a culture where employees are satisfied and interested in working for you long term. Read the full article.



Meaningful Work Friendships Make for a Better Workplace

Meaningful Work Friendships Make for a Better Workplace

work friendships

Recently a friend left her job for a new job that offered more money, a better title, and exciting work. She spent much of the last days at her job feeling excited about her new prospect, but something in her was unsettled. She had spent much of the last decade at her job forming and fostering incredibly close friendships. She’s the kind of person who skips over the small talk and digs into the meat of someone’s life fairly quickly. The level of her friendships at work was most likely what was keeping here there for so many years. Leaving felt like a huge loss, even though she had so much to gain at her next job.

Make New Friends But Keep the Old

According to the Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2015 report, the first of the six “key findings” is that “softer” areas such as “culture and engagement, leadership and development have become urgent priorities.” Half of those surveyed said that culture and engagement were important to them. Companies who have an engaged workforce can boast up to 147% higher earnings per share.

A study conducted by Dr. Vanessa Boute at Plasticity Labs, confirms previous findings about the tie between valuing co-workers and job satisfaction. The study of over 450 employees showed that those who listed their co-workers as one of their top five things they’re grateful for were more satisfied and more engaged. According to the report, “people who value their co-workers are also more grateful and happy.”

Deep Talk Not Small Talk

We know there’s a connection between friendship and satisfaction, but how do we get people truly engaged with one another in the workplace? My friend, who likes to skip small talk and go straight to in-depth conversation, may be on to something.

According to several studies, people can form deep connections within an hour. One researcher, Arthur Aron, of State University of New York at Stony Brook, has been exploring interpersonal closeness for decades. He found that the kinds of questions you ask can make all the difference. If you ask superficial questions, in the way of small talk, bonds won’t be formed easily or quickly, however if you ask more meaningful questions people feel connected quite quickly. Rather than asking, “How did you spend your vacation?,” a question such as “What would constitute a perfect day for you and why?” will bring about more self-disclosure and more of a feeling of connectedness.

Space and Time

Allowing time in the workplace for employees to connect is critical to friendship development. These days many workplaces are dreary hives of fast production. Encourage mid-day group walks or lunches, and after-work outings. Plan staff development retreats and allow time and space for people to connect. When people have friends at work they will work harder in the end. The time a walk or lunch takes will come back to you and the company in the form of superb work and dedication. Think of that walk as an investment in the company’s future. People may not mind letting down a colleague, but they often mind letting down a friend.


The happiness trap: it’s not all fun & games

The happiness trap: it’s not all fun & games

happiness at work

Do we need to rethink the concept of happiness at work?

Do you like your job? It can be a complex question to answer when everything is taken into account. For some people that question is comprised of several other questions, many of which have different answers: If I could do anything with my life would I be working this job? Is this job my passion? Would I work as many hours if I didn’t have to? Do I feel productive? Is my work/life balance ok? Am I happy?

On average, Americans put in about 1,700 hours a year, which is much more than the French and Germans, but much less than the Koreans or Singaporeans. For Americans, this breaks down to 34.4 hours a week considering vacation time and holidays, however many adult, full-time employees report working more than 34 hours week. According to a Gallup poll, 4 in 10 workers reported putting in 50+ hours per week. So are all these hours bringing us happiness? First, let’s have a look at what happiness is.

People have always had a lot to say about happiness. Artistotle said, “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” Albert Camus said, “You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” The Dali Lama says, “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” What is certain is that we seem to have a happiness obsession. We want it, we seek it, we’re told we need it so we believe we need it.

Harvard psychologist, Dan Gilbert, believes that happiness is not always entirely in our control and not entirely out of our control, and sometimes we feel it and sometimes we don’t. That’s ok, he says. In a TED Talk on happiness he says, “Happiness doesn’t last that long. Happiness is an emotion — it’s a feeling. The human brain isn’t built to sustain a feeling over the long term…Your emotions are a compass. They’re telling you which direction to go in. When you feel bad you turn left, you try something different in your life. When you feel good you keep on marching in the direction you’re going. What good would a compass be if it were perpetually stuck on north?”

So if we can’t feel happy all the time, and we don’t need to feel happy all the time, then why are we told we should feel happy all the time? Workplaces have been increasingly focused on employee happiness. Several studies have shown that happy employees are more productive and more loyal. Even tycoon Richard Branson is on board with this idea, “Your employees are your company’s real competitive advantage. They’re the ones making the magic happen—so long as their needs are being met.” How can the Virgin god be wrong?

A new article in the Harvard Business Review has gathered many studies and theories opposing the contemporary idea that happiness in the workplace is the key to success. The authors point to studies that show that people fail to feel happy when they are expected to be happy, that people can become emotionally vulnerable and needy when they expect their workplace to fulfill their happiness, that people may be more selfish when happy, and that people who value happiness often feel lonelier. The studies also pointed out that angry employees were better at negotiating than happy employees and better at intuiting actions of deception.

Perhaps our thinking about happiness needs to shift. Perhaps we don’t need employees bounding around the office with endless smiles. Perhaps the expectation we have for employees to be happy, and employers to be responsible for that happiness, is all too much. According to Dr. Vanessa Boute, a social psychologist, “One of the misconceptions about happiness is that happiness is being cheerful, joyous, and content all the time; always having a smile on your face. It’s not – being happy and leading rich lives is about taking the good with the bad, and learning how to reframe the bad.”

Fronetics Strategic Advisors is a leading management consulting firm. Our firm works with companies to identify and execute strategies for growth and value creation.

We advise and work with companies on their most critical issues and opportunities: strategy, marketingorganization, talent acquisition, performance management, and M&A support.


Talent-retention and succession-planning for the supply chain

Talent-retention and succession-planning for the supply chain

talent retention strategies supply chain

It’s common to think of the people who work for a company as “employees”, but reframing language and thinking could be critical to your supply chain. Start considering your employees as “talent”. The word employee has the connotation of working for someone or under someone. It implies being one of many, whereas the word talent has a positive connotation, implying that a person has depth, value, and potential. The term talent empowers both employees and companies to be the best and seek the best in their work and their search for other skilled people.

Reframing is an important step, but it doesn’t fix common problems that plague supply chain managers and human resource departments. It’s important to think about hiring processes as a long undertaking that extends beyond an ad, job interview, and offer letter.  Companies should always be thinking about retention and promotion. This is called succession planning.

According to a study conducted by supply chain management researchers at Auburn University and Central Michigan University, 37.5% of surveyed companies had no engagement in succession planning, 27% had just started to work on planning, 23% engaged in informal planning, while only 12.5% engaged in formal succession planning.


The supply chain is notorious for having a dearth of talent. The area is growing and more talent will need to be acquired for businesses to compete. As job titles expand and shift, due to the rapid changes in supply chain management and technological requirements, many people won’t be qualified for their own job title. Looking towards universities who are teaching supply chain management, and looking to other business sectors could be critical to find the right, flexible kind of talent the supply chain will need. Considering women for these traditionally male-dominant roles will also be important as women tend to be strong in many of the soft skills needed for the future of SCM. According to   Shanton J. Wilcox, vice president, North America, and lead for logistics and fulfillment at Capgemini, “many so-called tactical jobs will be replaced by positions requiring more interpersonal and relationship management skills.”


As more and more money floods into the supply chain, it will be important to avoid the Silicon Valley problem of poaching, or talent leaving for larger and larger salaries elsewhere. Investing in current employees in a meaningful, attentive way, could make all the difference. Think about their future and next steps within your company. They probably have a plan for their future, and you should as well. Make sure those plans align and be open to assisting their journey to meet their goals.

Instead of conducting exit interviews, try conducting “stay” interviews. Ask specific questions about what it takes to create the environment that would help encourage your talents’ best performance. Ask what works, and also ask what doesn’t work. Be specific and ask what causes your talent anxiety or stress. You may find a trend and be able to fix it before people leave, rather than after. Investment is a big part of development. It helps talent feel like part of a bigger picture. If you invest in them they will invest in you.


Consider talent from within. According to a Forbes article, many companies are getting it wrong in trying to hire from outside. Internal candidates may not seem as appealing or exciting as the unknown, external candidate, but companies need to be clear-minded in these decisions. “Internal successors are in many ways lower risk than outsiders, yet surprisingly few promotions are awarded internally. That appears to be because boards often prefer the devil they don’t know to the devil they do. Also, some find it difficult to imagine someone at the top after seeing him operate in a lesser role for years.”

Internal talent may not appear to be ready for the next level if the position they’re seeking is a promotion, whereas an external candidate going for the same job may be making a lateral move and appear more “ready”. One thing to consider is the knowledge the internal candidate holds and brings to the job. Getting external talent up to speed can take months if not years.

Don’t sit back and assume your employees are willing to be passive about their careers.  See your employees as assets. Have a strategy. Be part of their team, and make them part of yours. See their talent and invest in them, otherwise they’ll find another supply chain company who will.

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Fronetics Strategic Advisors is a leading management consulting firm. Our firm works with companies to identify and execute strategies for growth and value creation.

We advise and work with companies on their most critical issues and opportunities: strategy, marketingorganization, talent acquisition, performance management, and M&A support.


Sometimes you need non-team player

Sometimes you need non-team player

non-team player

Hiring someone who says he or she is not a team player sounds like a risky proposition, right? Few employers are, after all, searching for renegade employees or stubborn loners who refuse to interact with co-workers. But what if it actually turned out to be a good strategy? Researchers at the University of Tuebingen set out to examine the effects on applicant pools by stressing the need for teamwork in job ads. The conclusion of the study puts it like this: “Given the evidence of a possible downside, it is recommended that firms should never look for team players just because ‘everyone else is doing so.'”

The study analyzed survey data from 1,300 college students who had been asked to evaluate a number of job postings that outlined various requirements, including whether the applicant should be a team player or an independent task-oriented self-starter. Interestingly, what researchers found was that although the ads did indeed attract applicants who considered their teamwork skills to be a primary asset, they also discouraged people whose qualifications matched the job description with the exception of one criterion: social skills. As a result, the employer missed out on technically skilled or task-oriented candidates who took themselves out of the running before the race even began. The study went on:

“…considering that organizations always need employees with high task-related skills, but that they may not always need team players, they should carefully consider when the requirement for teamwork skills is listed in their job advertisements—because there is a downside to looking for team players.”

For organizations that truly need employees with an aptitude for collegial collaboration, the study shows ads that stress the importance of possessing teamwork skills do what they were intended to accomplish. But in other cases, where teamwork takes a backseat to specific talents or technical skills, the employer is likely to end up with a smaller pool of applicants than if that routine phrase had been left out of the job requirements.

People who don’t cite social acumen among their list of skills may not thrive at “water-cooler conversations” or rush to plan the next company outing, but they know how to get the job done and they do it well. If teamwork is irrelevant to their job description, isn’t that all we really need?

Fronetics Strategic Advisors is a leading management consulting firm. Our firm works with companies to identify and execute strategies for growth and value creation.

We advise and work with companies on their most critical issues and opportunities: strategy, marketingorganization, talent acquisition, performance management, and M&A support.

We have deep expertise and a proven track record in a broad range of industries including: supply chain, real estate, software, and logistics.